Device Guides
How to
Using YouTube on my tablet
Want to use YouTube? It's easy, but you need to set up your tablet for internet before you can use the service.
List view
1. Find "YouTube"
Tap the menu icon.
Tap YouTube.
2. Use YouTube
The following steps describe how you:
Log on to YouTube
Search for video clips
Save video clips as favourites
Upload video clips to YouTube
Log on to YouTube
Search for video clips
Save video clips as favourites
Upload video clips to YouTube

3. Log on to YouTube
If you're not automatically logged on with your Google account, you can log on manually:
Tap the Menu key.
Tap the Menu key.
Tap Sign in.
Tap the required account.
Tap OK.
4. Search for video clips
Tap the search icon.
Key in the required search word and tap the search icon.
Tap the required video clip.
5. Save video clip as a favourite
Tap the video clip.
Tap the add to icon.
Tap Favorites.
Tap the Return key several times to return to the start page.
6. Upload video clip to YouTube
Slide your finger right on the display.
Tap Uploads.
Tap Uploads.
Tap the upload icon.
Go to the required video clip.
Go to the required video clip.
Tap the menu icon.
Follow the instructions on the display to upload the selected video clip to YouTube.
Follow the instructions on the display to upload the selected video clip to YouTube.
7. Return to the home screen
Tap the Home key to return to the home screen.