Device Guides
I've established a connection to the internet but I can't browse the internet
This troubleshooting guide will take you through a number of possible causes to help you find a solution to your problem.
Possible cause 3:
Wrong DNS server: Set up the modem application to automatically use the correct DNS server.
List view
1. 1. Find "Profile Management"
Click Tools.
Click Options....
Click Profile Management.
2. 2. Create new data connection
Click New.
3. 3. Enter data connection name
Key in the required name for the data connection.

4. 4. Enter APN
Highlight Static.
Highlight the field next to "APN".
If you're an Optus Business customer:
Key in yesbusiness
If you're an Optus Connect customer:
Key in connect
If you're an Optus Connectcap customer:
Key in connectcap
If you're an Optus Connectme customer:
Key in connectme
If you're an Optus Prepaid customer:
Key in preconnect
If you're an Optus Business customer:
Key in yesbusiness
If you're an Optus Connect customer:
Key in connect
If you're an Optus Connectcap customer:
Key in connectcap
If you're an Optus Connectme customer:
Key in connectme
If you're an Optus Prepaid customer:
Key in preconnect
5. 5. Save and activate data connection
Click Save to save the data connection.
Click Default to activate the data connection.
6. 6. Exit
Click OK to close the window.