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Apple iPhone 6s Plus

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How to

Set up your mobile phone for IMAP email

You can set up your mobile phone to send and receive email from your email accounts. Using IMAP, your email are kept on the server and are synchronised between all of your devices. It is therefore possible to access your email from different devices. Before you can set up your mobile phone for IMAP email, you need to set up your mobile phone for internet.

List view

Find "Mail"

Tap Settings.
Tap Mail.

Create new email account

Tap Accounts.
Tap Add Account.
Tap Other.
If the name of your email provider is on the list, tap this instead.
Tap Add Mail Account.

Enter sender name

Tap Name and key in the required sender name.

Enter email address

Tap Email and key in your email address.

Enter password

Tap Password and key in the password for your email account.

Enter account name

Tap Description and key in the required name.
Tap Next.
If this screen is displayed, you email account has been recognised and set up automatically. Follow the instructions on the screen to key in more information and finish setting up your mobile phone.

Select server type


Enter incoming server

Tap Host Name and key in the name of your email provider's incoming server. If Optus is your email provider, key in as your incoming server.

Enter username

Tap Username and key in the username for your email account.

Enter outgoing server

Tap Host Name and key in
Tap Next.
Tap Save.

Select email account

Tap the name of the email account you've just set up.
Tap Account.

Turn off encryption of outgoing email

Tap the field below "PRIMARY SERVER".
Tap the indicator next to "Use SSL" to turn off the function.

Turn off password encryption

Tap Authentication.
Tap Password.
Tap arrow left.

Enter outgoing port number

Tap Server Port and key in 25.
Tap Done.
Tap arrow left.

Turn off encryption of incoming email

Tap Advanced.
Tap the indicator next to "Use SSL" to turn off the function.

Turn off password encryption

Tap Authentication.
Tap Password.
Tap arrow left.

Enter incoming port number

Tap Server Port and key in 143.
Tap arrow left.
Tap Done.

Select setting for retrieval of new email

Tap Fetch New Data.
Tap the indicator next to "Push" to turn the function on or off.
If you turn off the function, tap the required setting.
Tap the required email account and follow the instructions on the screen to select settings for the specific account.

Return to the home screen

Tap the Home key to return to the home screen.
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